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today your black shoes are grey

Galileo showed that although we see the sun revolve around Earth, it is actually the Earth that revolves around the Sun. Diderot warned to be wary of the eyes and senses. I see the flat horizon but the Earth is round. Reason and argument are what make me understand, not the eyes. When modern information is based on the idea that seeing equals understanding, it contributes to a tremendous intellectual regression that brings us back several centuries. (Jose Luis Sampedro, Economía Humanista)

World Premiere: Korzo Theatre, Sat 12 Nov 2011 Korzo Theatre, The Hague, The Netherlands

Choreography: Marina Mascarell

Assistant Choreographer: Sandra Navarro

Performers: Nina Botkay, Ivan Perez & Marina Mascarell

Lights: Bas Visserg

Costumes: Carolina Mancuso



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